
I am thinkingvisually

I am…

Vanessa Damianou and the personality behind thinkingvisually Ltd. In 2004, I set out to model a way of capturing and presenting information differently and so be the change I wanted to see.

I believe…

in the power of visual working and the value of working in a way that taps into our shared human history of using words and pictures to communicate more effectively.

I will…

help you to communicate messages in a more engaging and memorable way and so improve people’s understanding and bring your ideas and information to life.


People have used images to convey messages and connect with each other since the earliest of times. Using visuals as a means of communication is as relevant today as it was when people drew on stone tablets rather than digital ones.

I add value to the work you do by capturing, summarising and presenting complex information in a more powerful and meaningful way. This means that you can achieve greater engagement with topics, more meaningful conversations and a better understanding of your business objectives, strategy, ideas and plans.

A visual practitioner for almost 20 years, I have helped people create many memorable conferences, business events and meetings. Whether this is ‘live’ in the room on big pieces of paper (analogue) or digitally in my studio, I create visual artefacts that are simple, vibrant and effective. They stand the test of time and many are still being used by people years after they were originally created.

I listen well and have an ability to draw out what’s important. I avoid the ‘noise’ that often surrounds business communications to get to the heart of a matter quickly. I summarise and present material in ways that people find interesting, useful and that have value.


"Handwriting is an imprint of the self on the page"

Dr. Rosemary Sassoon


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    Live Graphics

    I pitch up at a Conference, Event or Meeting and capture, real time, what I see and hear. This is often live at in-person events but can also be done remotely for online sessions. Whether analogue or digital I help to make meaning of the conversations and content to create a unique visual to use in different ways.

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    Studio Graphics

    Together we explore effective, visual ways to communicate your strategy, mission, vision, values, processes or key messages to others in creative and impactful ways. We agree a brief and I create the graphics (usually digitally) as part of an iterative process that supports the outcomes and deliverables that we have agreed.

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    I use my love of lettering and all things visual to create artefacts that communicate and celebrate the things that are important to you. These might be one-off pieces for occasions such as a wedding or special birthday. Or it might be a series of illustrations that’s needed. For example, book illustrations or images for reports and publications.

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    I run practical, participative and fun workshops on how to draw simple graphics. The sessions are particularly useful for trainers and presenters who need to engage an audience. Sessions bust the belief that many people have that they can’t draw. I share tips to create visuals quickly, easily and confidently. Sessions can be in person or virtual.

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    I create simple, whiteboard-style animations that help to tell people’s stories. They are an effective way to summarise and present complex information in an accessible and engaging way. Whether it’s a short piece or a longer story a simple animation appeals to the visual nature of storytelling that is such a big part of our shared human history.

Some Fun Facts

Happy clients
Projects delivered
Events visualised
Workshops delivered



To explore what’s possible, please get in touch:

+44 (0) 7970 164056

Follow me for updates on twitter | linkedin | youtube